
slight thaw

It's one of those sunny, warm(-ish) February days that gives the illusion that spring might be just around the corner. Whereas we know it's not even going to be here on March 21st, but will be dragging it's heels well into April.

All is not doom & gloom, however. A day like this is a good opportunity to get most of the snow and ice off the vulnerable parts of the roof. We've already had one small leak from an ice dam, but it seems under control now. If I was to count the number of leaks we've had in this dang roof over the past 20 years it'd come to quite a few. Ah, the joys of winter.

I find it remarkable what a difference a sunny day can make in everyone's mood. No wonder people speak of a sunny temperament! Now if we could only bottle and export it to the misery centres of the world...but, wait...aren't a lot of those already in sunny climates? Maybe they'd like a little snow, instead! I'd be happy to oblige.

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